Sunday 29 May 2011

Anna Leahn

Assalamualaikum..hye Monday morning, on this Monday morning with happy smile i would like to introduce myself as a newest member's in this blog. First of all my name is Nurul Aliayana bt Harun that was my parents give it to me. i'm already 21 year's old. around this age i still study at Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Ipoh and getting graduated next year on January 2012.(..Insyallah mudah mudahan dapat grad..). i'm taking multimedia course but only for Diploma jewp..eheh. After diploma insyallah nak keje dulu around one year's like that then baru continued study in degree,tapi rase macam nak tukar course jewp. . susah ouh bawak course multimedia nieh rumit sangat. .Oukeh2 forget it about study this topic for second story..(continued...huhu kejap english kejap bahasa melayu..ape ntah..oukeh saya ade 3 orang adik beradik saya anak bongsu yang first my brother yang second my sister both of them dah pon kawin since 1995 and now my parents have enam orang cucu..semua cucu perempuan and sorg jewp lelaki..sesat tetiba lelaki tuh..hehehe..) Rase nye sampai sini jewp kot later saya continued lagi eah..bubyem..Wasalam.

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